CatiROC test firmware

Table of Contents


This project is part of the CatiROC-test group of projects. They all provide the code necessary for testing the CatiROC ASIC from Omega.

This project contains the VHDL code firmware: see the source code (backups here and here). For an overview of refer to this talk.

Finally, documented source code in doxygen is here.

This site exists in pdf format too.


The code aims at been used with two different hardware configurations, namely “juno mezzanine” and “ome test” boards.

  • Omega test board with one CatiROC ASIC
  • Juno mezzanine board, prototype v0

The same top module top.vhd must be used for both. The two different implementations will differ only in their generics.


Note About releases

Be aware that this software and the firmware are strongly coupled. They follow a parallel development schedule. If you decide to use a given release of this software, please use the corresponding firmware release. See the releases section of this document for more on this.

Using git

This project is under source control and available as a git repository. To download, it is necessary to have access to a git client.

  • Linux users may refer to their preferred package manager for instructions on installing git
  • Windows users may use git for windows, mobaxterm of similar

Then, launch a terminal and cd to the location where the project will live, creating necessary folders if necessary

cd d:
mkdir FolderWhereToDownload
cd FolderWhereToDownload

Finally, clone the repository with

git clone catiROC-test-firmware

and maybe rename it to something more explicit

mv catiROC-test-firmware myGreatFirmwareProject

Direct download

Just get if from

and extract its contents; then maybe rename it to something more explicit

mv catiROC-test-firmware myGreatFirmwareProject


To update to the latest version (and erase any locally existing modifications), use one of the git clients proposed in previous section, and then get to the project directory

cd d:
cd FolderWhereToDownload
cd myGreatFirmwareProject

First, make a copy of all your modifications. Then, clean your working tree with (this will erase all changes)

git reset --hard HEAD

and then finally pull latest project version

git pull


Code is expected to be compiled using the following configurations.

Omega test

Two flavors exist here, following the eprom programming device mounted on board: EPC04 and EPC16. To switch between them use

Project -> Cyclone III -> Device --> Device and Pin outputs --> Configuration
--> Use configuration device


nb_asics = 1
num_of_discri_channels = 12
RegBankLength = 70

As it only deals with one ASIC and the number of available resources only provide buffering capabilities for handling up to 12 discriminator channels. The depth of the register bank is limited to 70 8-bits words.

To compile using altera’s quartus 13.1, launch the project file and do as usual

Juno mezzanine

The configuration to be used is

nb_asics = 8
num_of_discri_channels = 16
RegBankLength = 70
freq_source = 40

Here, we need to manage up to 8 ASICS and all discriminator channels. The register bank length must be at least 70 8-bits words. Finally, the freq_source parameters stands for the running frequency, being 40 MHz the nominal one (another option is to run at 42 MHz).

To compile:

using xilinx ise 14.7
launch the project file and do as usual; as another possibility, you may use the provided makefile
using vivado 17.2

go to the vivado directory and regenerate the full project with


Then launch vivado

vivado -mode tcl

and open the juno_mezzanine.xpr project

open_project vivado17.2-project/vivado17.2-project.xpr

Run synthesis

launch_runs synth_1 -jobs 40
wait_on_run synth_1

and implement the design

launch_runs impl_1 -jobs 40
wait_on_run impl_1

set a property to increase spi speed

open_run impl_1
set_property STEPS.WRITE_BITSTREAM.TCL.PRE pre-bit.tcl [get_runs impl_1]

finally, generate the bitstream

launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream -jobs 40

Another, simpler option is to run


which is equivalent to running synthesis followed by the implementation stage


Note that in general, all shell commands are just wrappers around tcl scripts with the same name.


Omega test

Use quartus programming tools with one of




to program the fpga or its eprom memory.

Juno mezzanine

using xilinx ise 14.7
use Xilinx Impact as usual
using vivado 17.2

go to the vivado17.2-project directory and use the provided scripts to program the fpga or the flash using the resulting top.bit file under /vivado17.2-project/vivado17.2-project.runs/impl_1

./ folder/top.bit
./ folder/top.bit

where folder stands for any local directory.

Finally, power cycle the card. In case you observe that the bitstream is not downloaded to the fpga and the DONE pin is not asserted (red led doesn’t lights), refer to this.

Project structure


all necessary reference documents the code is based on


vhdl source files in vorg mode
tangled source vhdl code for juno mezzanine card using a kindex 7 fpga under ise/vivado projects
tangled source vhdl code for omega test card, using a cyclone iii fpga under quartus project


xilinx ise 14.7 project for juno mezzanine card
altera quartus 13.1 project for omega test card
questa core simulation projects


We get data out of CatiROC on 16 channels in triggerless mode. Each physical event is converted into a 80 bits physical event word. The binary data format is just a sequence of physical events words.


The next fields correspond to information provided by CatiROC itself

Gain - scale

Coarse time - time units in 25 ns. steps

Fine time - time slots within the 25 ns. time window

Charge - computed pulse area

Ch.Nb. - guess it

Refer to catiROC datasheet for in depth details.

The following information is computed in real time in the daq fpga

EventCounter - +1 counter increased with incoming events at the input of the fpga fabric; this information allows monitoring data loose as well as distinguishing between physical events originated in different memory positions for a given channel

TriggerRate - computed trigger rate from the asic discriminator output; more in detail, this field contains the number of discriminator edges detected during a 10 ms. time window. It is to be divided by 100 to obtain the overall trigger rate


The current encoding format in the firmware is encoded in the AcqRawDataFormatID. It may read as shown here TODO: …. This information is saved on disk in the header block, as shown here.

What follows concerns the several different encoding schemes followed.

version 1

CatiROC sends information about fine and coarse time, charge, channel number and gain (scale). Additionally, in order to further monitor the acquisition, an event counter per channel is appended. All of this information sums up to 64 bits for a physical event, which is to be decoded as explained below.

Finally, every 32k physical events, 16 “special” events (one by channel) are injected into the data flow. These include additional information (trigger rate, etc.) computed online.

The data format is the following

Physical event word, 64 bits

'0' - Gain (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - Coarse Time (26 bits) -
EventCounter (12 bits) - Fine Time (10 bits) - Charge (10 bits)

Special information word, 64 bits

'1' - '0' - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - 0 (47 bits) - TriggerRate (11 bits)

From this, it is evident that the leftmost bit must be used to distinguish between physical and “special” events.

version 2

CatiROC sends information about fine and coarse time, charge, channel number and gain (scale). Additionally, in order to further monitor the acquisition, an event counter per channel is appended. All of this information sums up to 64 bits for a physical event, which is to be decoded as explained below.

Finally, every 32k physical events, 16 “special” events (one by channel) are injected into the data flow. These include additional information (trigger rate, etc.) computed online.

The data format is the following

Physical event word, 64 bits

'00' - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - Coarse Time (26 bits) -
Gain (1 bit) - EventCounter (11 bits) - Fine Time (10 bits) - Charge (10 bits)

Special information word, 64 bits

'01' - 0 (47 bits) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - TriggerRate (11 bits)

Discriminator information word, 64 bits

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (25 bits) - Time Stamp (32 bits)

From this, it is evident that the two leftmost bits must be used to distinguish between “physical”, “special” and “discriminator” events.

version 2.1

Special information word, 64 bits

'01' - 0 (42 bits) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - TriggerRate (16 bits)

Packets of 32 words (“special” events) are readout.

version 3


The motivation for this format revision is the inclusion of additional information to take into account the ASIC number as well as the card number. This is not necessarily useful for the Omega test board, but it will be mandatory when having to handle the new Juno board with up to 8 ASICS. Then, we preview the necessity to identify the board number too. This makes necessary to expand the event word size to 10 bytes (8 bytes right here).


CatiROC reads out coded information about fine and coarse times, charge, channel number and gain (scale). Additionally, in order to monitor the acquisition, an event counter per channel is appended. Further on, as up to 8 ASICS may be present in a board, the Asic number field is to be considered too. Finally, to identify the card an extra card number field appears here. All of this information sums up to 80 bits for a physical event, which is to be decoded as explained below.

Additionally, every 400 ms, 32 “special” events (one by channel) are injected into the data flow. These include additional information (trigger rate, etc.) computed online.

Finally, a discriminator word includes time stamp tagged events originating from the local trigger output of CatiROC. Here, each event includes an event number and an edge bit giving the rising or falling slope it originates from.

Note that from the coding below, it is evident that the two leftmost bits (event id) must be used to distinguish between “physical”, “special” and “discriminator” events.


The data format is the following

Physical event word, 80 bits, EventID = ’00’

'00' - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - Coarse Time (26 bits) - Gain (1 bit) - EventCounter (11 bits) - Charge (10 bits) - Fine Time (10 bits) -
’00000' (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

Special information word, 80 bits, EventID = ’01’

'01' - ’0’ (41 bits) - Ch.Nb. (5 bits) - TriggerRate (16 bits) -
’00000' (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)'

Discriminator information word, 80 bits, EventID = ’10’

Case of Juno board:

This board includes within the FPGA embedded time to digital converters (TDC) to “fine time” sample incoming triggers out of the ASIC. Thus, a 6 bits fine time field is included. A 10 bytes word is then produced at each detected edge (falling or rising) on the 16 input trigger pins from the ASIC.

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (25 bits) - Time Stamp (26 bits) - Fine Time (6 bits) -
’00000’ (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

Note that the time stamp is synchronous to the 40 MHz clock to be coherent with that of the ASIC. The fine time has a period P of 1/(960e6) ns., so that P*24 equals 25 ns., that’s to say, the 40 MHz clock period.

Case of Omega test board:

There is no TDC in this case, as the FPGA is not capable of embedding this feature. No fine time field in this case, then, and the time stamp is extended to 32 bits.

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (25 bits) - Time Stamp (32 bits) -
’00000’ (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

In this case, the time stamp is synchronous to the 80 MHz clock, in order to improve timing as much as possible.

version 4


In the case of the juno mezzanine board, we need to accommodate the supernova burst in a reduced capacity ddr3 memory. To achieve this, we have to optimize the data flow by reducing the amount of information.


This 4th version aims at achieving a data reduction between a 33% and a 50% percent (following the incoming event rate) by merging the two coupled falling and rising edge data words in one, and then, instead of providing the absolute timing of both, just giving the absolute time of the first one and the time difference in between. This feature is let as an option, and the user may select it or not by software.


The data format is the following

Physical event word, 80 bits, EventID = ’00’

No difference with respecto to v3.

'00' - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - Coarse Time (26 bits) - Gain (1 bit) - EventCounter (11 bits) - Charge (10 bits) - Fine Time (10 bits) -
’00000' (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

Special information word, 80 bits, EventID = ’01’

No difference with respecto to v3.

'01' - ’0’ (41 bits) - Ch.Nb. (5 bits) - TriggerRate (16 bits) -
’00000' (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)'

Discriminator information word, 80 bits, EventID = ’10’

Case of Juno board:

This board includes within the FPGA embedded time to digital converters (TDC) to “fine time” sample incoming triggers out of the ASIC. Thus, a 6 bits fine time field is included. A 10 bytes word is then produced at each detected edge (falling or rising) on the 16 input trigger pins from the ASIC.

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (25 bits) - Time Stamp (26 bits) - Fine Time (6 bits) -
’00000’ (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

Note that the time stamp is synchronous to the 40 MHz clock to be coherent with that of the ASIC. The fine time has a period P of 1/(960e6) ns., so that P*24 equals 25 ns., that’s to say, the 40 MHz clock period.

In order to limit the generated amount of data, it is possible (software selectable) to only readout a reduced version of the previous. This way, instead of producing a whole 10 bytes word for each detected edge, a single word is produced for each couple of edges (falling edge followed by rising edge). Its format is the following

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (18 bits) - Interval (7 bits) -
Time Stamp (26 bits) - Fine Time (6 bits) -
’00000’ (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

Here, a single 10 bytes word is produced for each detected falling edge, and it includes the Interval to the next rising edge. This means, the measurement of the trigger width is computed online to a maximum of a pulse width of 127 fine time periods.

Corner cases

  • Most usually, a rising edge will follow a falling edge. In this case, the Edge bit is set to 0, and the difference Interval is provided up to a maximum of 125 fine time periods.
  • If no rising edge happens during the 125 fine time periods following a falling edge, the Edge bit is set to 1, and the Interval field is set to its maximum, 125
  • In the case a second falling edge follows the first one, the Edge bit is set to 0 and the Interval field is set to 0
  • If two rising edges follow, the Edge bit is set to 1 and the Interval field is set to 0

Case of Omega test board:

There is no TDC in this case, as the FPGA is not capable of embedding this feature. No fine time field in this case, then, and the time stamp is extended to 32 bits.

'10' - Edge (1 bit) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - EventCounter (25 bits) - Time Stamp (32 bits) -
’00000’ (5 bits) - ASIC.Nb (3 bits) - Card.Nb (8 bits)

In this case, the time stamp is synchronous to the 80 MHz clock, in order to improve timing as much as possible.


Here it is included information useful to manipulate the test setup avoiding the use of the GUI, which is built up on top of what follows. This information might be useful for implementing specific tests, for developing software or for automatizing measurements with custom scripting.

First, the low level software details are provided. This remains at a C language level, on top of which any other high level language may be used. Here, Matlab is used as a high level framework for data manipulation and displaying.


The structure of the firmware is the one shown in the figure, where the number of CatiROC-manager modules to be instantiated may be configured by means of the nb_asics generic.

Figure 1: Block diagram of the firmware

Basically, an USB controller machinery (usb_if) exchanges data with the remaining logic. Its input interface reacts to an interrupt from the software at the pc, receiving an order in the form of a register bank. Then, it reacts to this order acting on (just one at a given time) of its peripherals (p1, p2, etc.). Each peripheral will store its payback data into a buffer in the form of a fifo. The ouput interface of the USB controller will finally take care of sending this data upwards to the control software.

The peripheral module CatiROC-manager deals with all data exchange with one CatiROC ASIC. It is composed up of two sub-modules: one for taking care of slow control and a second one to readout data.

Figure 2: Block diagram of the CatiROC manager module

Here, the two blocks Handle_cati_data are used to readout half (eight channels) of the data from the ASIC. The third one, discriminator_data deals with the discriminator output from CatiROC and its conversion to an ancillary data stream. Then data_rate module implements extra online measurements (event rate, etc.). Finally, a merge process brings all of these data sources to a common buffer endpoint.

To get further insight about how this has been implemented, a detailed code browser may be found here, including the embedded documentation developed along with the code.


Figure 3: Code browser


When willing to collaborate on the development of this project under the control of git, the following workflow will be followed. Here are the main guidelines.

First, setup your repositories

  • Login to
  • Fork the firmware project (main project, from now on referred to as “upstream”) to your account, creating a new project (from now on referred to as “origin”)
  • Clone “origin” locally into a working project (from now on referred to as “local”)
  • Add “upstream” as a remote
  • Remember to sync your “local” with “upstream” from time to time

Then, add modifications:

  • Create and checkout a feature branch.
  • Commit your modifications to “local”, work as you wish, do whatever you want
  • Once code reaches a stable state and you’re happy with it, push the feature branch to “origin”
  • Issue a merge request to “upstream”

At this point, the maintainer of “upstream” will merge your feature branch into “master” branch of “upstream”.

For a detailed discussion about the previous, see this.


Be aware that this firmware and the software are strongly coupled. They follow a parallel development schedule. If you decide to use a given release of this firmware, please use the corresponding software release.

As a reference, releases may be found here


Releases provide new features or bug fixes.


TODO Include here all previous modifications


Event counter
include an event counter along with the physical event 64-bit word
Additionally, an special 64-bits word includes the trigger rate online measurement information

As a new feature, includes an event counter along with the physical event 64-bit word. Additionally, an special 64-bits word includes the trigger rate online measurement information.


Implements the possibility to perform a systematic scan of the coarse time window. This provides a way to measure the fine time INL. See Fine Time characterization section for details.

Scanning of the coarse time window

Implement the possibility to perform a systematic scan of the coarse time window.
This provides a way to measure the fine time INL. See Fine Time characterization section for details.



Use same top module for all configurations

The same top.vhd should fit both
Remove the need for two different top level modules (top and top_test)
Done, now It is only necessary to update only three generics: nb_asics (1/8), nb_discri_channels (12/16) and RegBankLength (70/540)

Reset TS of DDS at init

Reset TS in DDS
Perform a reset in the time stamp of the discriminator stream in parallel to that of the ASIC so that both time stamps start counting at the same time; additionally, use the ovf signal from the ASIC to reset it too such that the two overflow at the same time.
The (fpga generated) discriminator time stamp and that of CatiROC run synchronously, start and overflow in parallel. They only run at different clock frequencies (40 / 80 MHz)

Decrease “RegBankLength”

Decrease the RegBank depth
Reduce the default value of the RegBankLength generic parameter at top level in order to decrease the needed resources
Fixed to 70 bytes for omega test / 540 for juno mezzanine.

Implement resets

Privilege sync resets
Replace async resets by its sync equivalent, best suited to fpga architectures

Add constraints to ucf file

Fill in ucf
Check that the code compiles after using the proper constraints under ise14.7, then, export the project to Vivado and check again
Added ucf file compiled under both ise and vivado, seems ok

Special events: high count rates

Go beyond 200 KHz (11 bits)
This limitation was previously set as the space available was reduced, this is not the case anymore
Extended to 16 bits. From now on, the special event has the format
’01’ - 0 (42 bits) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - TriggerRate (16 bits)

instead of

’01’ - 0 (47 bits) - Ch.Nb. (4 bits) - TriggerRate (11 bits)

This means that event rates up to a few MHz may be measured by the fpga.

I call this data format v2.1.

Special events: low data rate handling

Use a watchdog in case of low data rate
Currently, special events are readout every 32k physical events. It is necessary to implement reading them out even in case of very low count rate, this will additionally remove the need to reduce the size of the packet size in the gui
From now on a counter determines a 400 ms. time window. Beyond this point, special events are readout regardless of the number of physical events. This counter gets reset once the special events are sent out

Special events: extend to 32 words

Readout 32 words not only 16
Currently, only a special word is produced by physical channel, containing specific information. It is necessary to readout discriminator events information too, not only physical events, so an extension to 32 words is needed
Done: first 16 special events accomodate discriminator related information; the remaining 16 special events contain information relevant to the physical events

Rewrite discri data module

Compensate for priority
Use a priority flag when transferring data from fifo stages, add a generic to determine the number of discri channels to implement
A priority flag is decorrelated of the data transfer process, and a generic num_of_discri_channels is added

Fix asic/usb if block

Make the module nb_asics compatible
right here, the ’if’ construct avoids any value in this generic
Priority flag
Compensate the multiplexor, so that all channels have the same probability to be readout
Now the asic_empty is extended to 8 bits, regardless of nb_asics; thus, the hard coded ’if’ construct may check all the 8 bits. Additionally, a priority_flag mechanism is implemented too


Disable DDS by software

Bit to disable the feature
DDR makes amount of data to be readout rise beyond limits, specially considering the usb 2. Add a bit to command 6 to disable this feature when requested by the user.
Done in this commit, in parallel to the software.









List of next to do items: ideas, new features, corrections, improvements, etc.

TODO Physical data is prioritary

Check and implement if necessary new strategy
verify that CatiROC physical data is readout before anything else, as the DDR stream by penalize it

TODO Take care of todo/fixme issues in code

Fix postponed warnings
When I find something weird in the code, I append a “FIXME” or “TODO” message so that I know where to look at to fix non urgent things

TODO Remove constraints under quartus

Meet timing by fixing the code
And not by adding constraints, so better remove them

TODO Xilinx FIFOs: optimize sizes

Xilinx FIFOs have same size as their altera equivalents
as the target hardware is much more powerfull, try to optimize FIFO resources distribution to improve throughput

TODO Xilinx FIFOs: replace show ahead mode

Show ahead is less performing
For historical reasons, the original code for omega test board included fifos in show ahead mode, so xilinx fifos inheritate this setup. It is better to remove this for performance (in two configurations)

TODO Implement data rate measurement on special words

After this, include meaningfull information in here
currently, these extra words are empty, they should contain count rate measurement for discriminator events, for example

TODO Cleanup packages

Currently is a mess. Maybe, remove components too in packages by using word.unit syntax.

TODO Remove compatibility with Xilinx ISE

Warnings when compiling under xilinx ise
WARNING:LIT:701 - PAD symbol "usb_siwua" has an undefined IOSTANDARD.
WARNING:LIT:702 - PAD symbol "usb_siwua" is not constrained (LOC) to a specific location.

WARNING:LIT:701 - PAD symbol "raz_ext" has an undefined IOSTANDARD.
WARNING:LIT:702 - PAD symbol "raz_ext" is not constrained (LOC) to a specific location.

WARNING:LIT:701 - PAD symbol "read_ext" has an undefined IOSTANDARD.
WARNING:LIT:702 - PAD symbol "read_ext" is not constrained (LOC) to a specific ocation.

WARNING:LIT:701 - PAD symbol "hold_ext" has an undefined IOSTANDARD.
WARNING:LIT:702 - PAD symbol "hold_ext" is not constrained (LOC) to a specific

TODO GCU/ABC communication

Follow guidelines in here.

  • Implement communication with GCU. Provide a bit to control data readout through usb or through dedicated connector to the usb: the bit in the acquisition command enables / disables the usb if / the new gcu i/o interface, both of which access to the read side of the final fifo

    BIG –> USB If

    FIFO –> new process (running in usb if clock domain) –> NEW-SMALL-FIFO –> GCU-IF

  • Implement a simplified model of the ABC, to be run coupled to the GCU: just an spi slave tanking orders, and maybe a fifo being filled up with dummy data

TODO Event builder

Implement and on line event builder to remove current random behaviour in event ordering

  • TODO Time stamp event ordering

    Event builder based on event’s time stamp

  • TODO Channel number event ordering

    Event builder based on event’s channel number


  • TODO Current / voltage monitoring

    Include appropriate orders to command the new voltage / current monitoring features

    • Implement a Xilinx provided drop-in module
    • Develop the code using MIG to validate the schématic, avoiding any pinout misconception again as in v0
    • Implement full write / read cycles
    • Implement a fifo like structure using DDR memory, replacing current one in the firmware
    • Implement two buffers, alternating mode
    • Measure bandwidth

Checking List

List of to be checked items: new implemented features, etc.


Recompile the firmware with the right generic value, and check operation at 42 MHz with respect to 40 MHz.

TODO S-curve

Online computing of the s-curve in the firmware, coupled to a bit of software data alignement. Calculations have been done so that all channels are processed in parallel, not just one as previously.

What has been done is implement computing as in data rate, all 16 channels in parallel, and readout the information along with four bits to take into account the channel number. Then, implement the same in a module, with generics the number of channels, and instantiate it from both omega test and juno mezzanine.

Following the implementation, it’s still necessary to check that the current implementation is right, for both omega test board and for ABC board.

  • DONE s-curve : omega test
  • TODO s-curve : abc board


Unable to be checked due to errors in the schematic. Andrea:

“The problem in the schematics is that there is a swap among bits of different bytes. In the DDR and in the FPGA memory controller the 16bit data word is organized in two byte. In the FPGA is possible to swap the bit within the same byte but not among different bytes. This limitation is due to the fact that there are two different data strobes for each byte.

I am referring to the following document at pages 193 and 194



  • implementation: timing at several pulses (amplitude, width and rate)
  • data reduction feature

Bugs and features

A list of current bugs to be fixed and requested features may be found under the open issues list in the online project.



This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Author: Cayetano Santos

Created: 2020-02-13 jeu. 11:44
